Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Book Like This

Close to 20 years ago now, my Godmother asked my parents to hold onto some things of hers, temporarily of course, while she traveled & taught English in Japan. The story goes she fell in love with a European man & never came back. Safe to say, she's not coming back for her things, so I took a look through a box of her old books.

& behold: TREASURES! I've got the whole summer to brush up on some classic literature. Saves me a few trips to Chapters ^_^


  1. awesome awesome awesome
    i love old books, especially good old books that have belonged to someone you know/love
    are they ear marked or written in at all?

  2. You of all people should know what it means to be Good!

    I fear that the only use I will find for my degree will be making really bad history and philosophy puns.

  3. @ Holly
    It appears the poetry book was stolen from A.Y. Jackson Secondary School & the back inside cover is full of old phone numbers: some with strike-throughs, others with notes beside them, such as "no ans" & "can't return tues morning"

    Most of them appear to have some kind of stamp from a high school (that's how her and my mum met & became friends, they were both high school teachers).

    Some books are marked "Hayhoe," her maiden name, I think.

    Heart of Darkness contains her old address & phone number in Ottawa on the inside front cover, & also the word "imperialism." On the back inside cover:
    "223 - Irony"
    "218 - Ec. Style
    - Description"
    "211 - Imagery &
    - Symbolism"
    "p. 143 - Lit Manifesto"

    "Character of Marlow"
    "Conrad's Style"
    "Kurtz's Degeneration"
    "Natives -"
    "Quest - Discovery"

    I'm going to have to look back to those references when I'm reading the book.


    @ Andrew
    You are one of the only people to poke fun at my last name! I'm really surprised it doesn't happen more often!
    Thanks for reading.

  4. oh thats so awesome! whenever i lend people my books i encourage them to write, flag, make comments. its the best way to share.


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